Welcome to the Restorative Medicine Neurology Fellowship Program!
This Learning Management System will track your progress throughout the course.
Please set up your profile and update your password here.
- You can start listening to the on-demand recordings that are listed in the Modules Menu under “Neuro Endocrinology”.
- The recordings are listed on the right column.
- A pdf of the powerpoint for each presentation is listed above each recording.
- There is one quiz for each module, located below the list of recording & in the right column.
- Click on the quiz listing, and then click the button “Start Quiz”.
- Each quiz has 8 questions. If you do not pass the quiz with 75% or better, you can re-take it.
- If you failed the quiz twice and need technical support to access a retake, please email customerservice@restorativemedicine.com.
Tracking Your Progress
You can track your progress on your profile page.
- In the list of modules, click on the triangle and it will open up your progress report for that topic.
- You can log on anytime here.